The Color Balance node adjusts the color and values of an image.

- 系数
- 颜色
- 校正规则
- Lift(提升,暗部调节)/Gamma(伽玛,中间调调节)/Gain(增益,高光调节):
Adjusts the colors and tonal range of an image by controlling the shadows, midtones, and highlights separately.
- Lift(提升)
Adjusts the darkest areas of the image (the shadows).
- 伽玛
Primarily affects the midtones, the middle range of brightness in the image.
- 增益
Controls the brightest parts of the image (the highlights).
- Offset(偏移量)/Power(能量)/Slope(斜率)(ASC-CDL:美国电影摄影师协会-色彩决策列表 的简写):
A standardized model for adjusting the colors and tonal range of an image. This allows the same values to be used across different application to yield the same result. See Advanced for more details on the underlying implementation.
- 偏移量
Adjusts the darkest areas of the image (the shadows).
- 基型
Additional offset, allows to specify a negative offset value.
- 能量(乘方)
Primarily affects the midtones, the middle range of brightness in the image.
- 斜率
Controls the brightest parts of the image (the highlights).
- 白场:
Adjusts the color that should be considered white. The white point is specified as setting the inputs color temperature and then the desired output temperature.
- 温度
The blackbody temperature of the primary illuminant. By default a D65 white point is used.
- 染色
The amount of green/magenta shift of the blackbody curve.
- 颜色
\(\text{out} = (i \times s + o)^p\)
out: 颜色分级色彩编码值。
i: 输入像素编码值 (0 to 1) (黑色到白色)。
s: 斜率 (任何大于或等于0的数值, 默认标称值是 1.0)。
o: 偏移 (任意数值, 默认标称值是 0)。
p: 能量(任何大于0的数值, 默认标称值是 1.0)。